20.04.20 - Business Temporary Closure Update/Extension

We hope everybody is keeping well during this time of uncertainty.

In careful consideration of the extension of the ‘original lockdown’ measures at this time we feel it is only correct to remain closed as we have for the initial period. We feel that opening at the moment would compromise our Customers, Staff, Local and Wider Community.

Please believe me when I say that the decision to remain completely closed has not been taken lightly. We want to get back to work ASAP and deliver the levels of Service we strive for however; we will only do so when we feel we can work in a way that is safe for all concerned.

We will contact anybody with an existing booking closer to the time of opening to get you booked back in.

Some good news is that anybody with Service Activated Roadside Assistance expiring between 20th March up to 18th May now has an extension on their cover for a further month so all these vehicles are still covered.

Also FORD WARRANTY, the need to have your vehicle serviced within 1 Month of its due date has temporarily been suspended. The need to service vehicles within 1000 miles of their maximum distance between services remains. We hope this is not affecting too many of our customers as we are in the main not driving as far.

If anybody has any further questions regarding the information provided here or anything else that I have not covered here please could you send them to matthew.winward@cliffdickenson.co.uk


All at Cliff Dickenson & Son